Hi, iam Peter Williams, Asalam walekum.

Can You Go Blind 7 In Spades? [Solved]

For some people Blind 7 is the minimum blind bid. This scores 200 points if a side takes exactly 10 tricks, and loses 200 if they take any other number of tricks. Some people play that to win 10-for-200 you just have to win at least 10 tricks. Some play that any bid of 10 is automatically a 10-for-200 bid.27 Jul 2022

A " Blind 7" : Spades

We go

j Spades rules

This is a companion video for my jSpades game, currently available for the iPhone, Android, iPad and iPod touch. It is not a …

Trick Taking 101: Lesson 3 (Bidding/Scoring/Spades)

This lesson