Greetings, iam Donald Guglielmo, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Can You Live 40 Years With Diabetes? [Solved]

Upon analysis, investigators found the average person with type 1 diabetes was 42.8 years of age and had a life expectancy from now of 32.6 years. In comparison, people the same age without diabetes were expected to live 40.2 years from now.23 Sept 2020

Alain, 40 years old, has been living with diabetes for two years

Because of my job, I am very conscious about my eating habits and about keeping a balanced diet. Stress affects my blood …

Meet one of the oldest living Americans with Type 1 diabetes

A Long Island great-grandmother is

40 Years Of Experience Dealing With Diabetes | Dr Ralph Abraham Interview London Medical

Dr Abraham specialises in all aspects of