Sup, iam Emily Hunt, Hope you’re having a great week!

Did Sarah Cameron Cheat On Topper? [Solved]

This led to Topper interrogating Sarah every time they were together. She eventually couldn’t take it anymore, which is around the time she grew closer to John B. She did cheat on Topper with John B as the two kissed and hung out under the radar despite her still with Topper.

SARAH & TOPPER & JOHN B | I just want to be loved

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Outerbanks Cast Chase Stokes & Madelyn Cline SPLIT Up… Here’s What Happened!

Outerbanks Cast Chase Stokes & Madelyn Cline SPLIT Up… Here’s What Happened! Welcome back to Famous Focus. Just like …

Outer Banks * I prefer Sarah and John B but Topper did have a character development*

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