Namaste, iam James Noble, Have a happy day.

Do Field Spells Activate? [Solved]

Characteristics. As a Spell Card, Field Spell Cards can be activated or set from the hand in the player’s own Main Phase, and can be activated in the same turn they are set. Field Spell Cards feature the default Spell Card Spell Speed of Spell Speed 1. Field Spells may affect both players or only their controller.

YU-GI-OH!: POWER OF CHAOS - YUGI THE DESTINY - Activate Field Spell !!!

Link video :

Yugioh Rule Book | How Do Spell Cards Work | Negated Activation and Resolving Without Effect

In this series I am going to go over the contents of the yugioh rule book. Additionally I’ll be addressing things not in the rule book …

How to Play Yugioh Part 4 (Spells and Traps)

The Video Covers: Spell Cards: 0:06 Normal Spells: 0:50 Equip Spells: 1:38 Continuous Spells: 3:04