Hello, iam Walton Burbach, Have a two coffee day!

Do They Eat Bulls After Bullfight? [Solved]

After the matador kills the bull, it is sent to a slaughterhouse. Its meat is then sold for human consumption, according to various sources, including Martin DeSuisse, founder of the nonprofit Aficionados International, which seeks to educate the English-speaking public about the Spanish bullfight.14 Oct 2016

Watch what really happens after the Running of the Bulls

It’s cruelty, plain and simple. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Read more about bullfighting from Vox.com’s Dylan …

I had to slaughter the BULLS

To save the girls, I had to kill the boys.

When Bull Wins

… three stages of bullfighting what happen if the bull wins against the matador