Hello, iam Nicholas Spell, Good luck today!

Do You Eat Dango Hot Or Cold? [Solved]

Dango is made with rice flour and glutinous rice flour whereas mochi is made with just glutinous rice flour. Is Dango eaten warm or cold? Dango can be eaten warm or cold. Both ways are delicious!12 Mar 2021

Mitarashi Dango from Demon Slayer | Anime with Alvin

This week Alvin is making mitarashi

[Dingo School] Stray Kids | Maknae’s sexy dance that he learned from hyungs! Their reactions?!

#dingomusic #dingoschool

★Click to subscribe to Dingo Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCiO5t2voB14CmZKTkIzPQ

Very Easy Tsukimi Dango

In 2021, September 21th is the mid autumn moon festival day. We Japanese celebrate this moon festival with