Namaste, iam Marcia Brown, Buongiorno.

Does Hexproof Stop Deathtouch? [Solved]

Deathtouch vs Hexproof Because deathtouch does not target a creature, hexproof won’t protect a creature from deathtouch. Instead, the hexproof creature will just be dealt damage normally and be destroyed as a result.

MTG Top 10: Deathtouch | Magic: the Gathering | Episode 63

I am one of the contributors to the MTG YouTuber group channel, the Aether Hub! You can find more of my draft videos and top …

The Hardest Creatures to Kill in Magic | Magic the Gathering

The Commander’s Quarters is your Magic the Gathering source that helps you Command Your Budget! Today Mitch goes through …

MTG Noob - Deathtouch (the basics of Magic: The Gathering)

Take a few minutes to learn how